
What is Historisch Huis
The aim of Historisch Huis (The House of History) is to make history more accessible to a wider public and to bridge the gap between academically trained historians and those who share a strong interest in history.
The site includes a reference library of historical links , including many references in English, French and German. You can browse through the periods and themes by clicking the buttons.
Also, this site contains an address book (Almanak) providing information about Dutch institutions dealing with history and heritage related matters. Fill in the Dutch town, name, or institution you're searching for.
Furthermore, the site contains a fast-growing section with book reviews.
Moreover, in the section marked sprekersgids trained historians present the subjects which they would like to lecture on at public gatherings.
Finally, the section marked scriptiebank contains a small but growing number of unpublished theses by historians.
If you wish to conduct a specific search on this site, you may prefer to use the search engine.

The people behind Historisch Huis
The site is an initiative of the non profit organisation Historisch Platform.

Join Historisch Huis
We work with a team of subject specialists who regularly send us references. Would you like to contribute? Why not let us know. If one of our URL's is not working, please let us know as well. Contact us.